"Acting on Greek Traditional Poetry" @ The Actors' Temple, 29th of June 2014

"Acting on Greek Traditional Poetry" Workshop @ The Actors’ Temple, on the 29th of June 2014.
“Acting on Greek Traditional Poetry” Workshop @ The Actors’ Temple, on the 29th of June 2014.

At the workshop we studied the definition of what is Greek Traditional Poetry and its origins. We started researching into the verses, the rhymes and the rythmes it utilizes.

The chosen poem was “The beloved brothers and the bad woman”. We started applying acting techniques on the poem, worked with them to enhance the expressive means of an actor and we concluded with how the performance of the poem would be eventually, given the proper long term time needed to set it up online casino gids as a theatrical performance.

This workshop was a FREE workshop given by Aenigma Est Productions, as a taster for the upcoming all year “Acting on Greek Traditional Poetry” Workshop, that will end with an actual theatrical performance of the participants on a play created with several Greek traditional poems, taken from the “Paraloges” section.

Instructor: Georgios Ernesto Mourelatos, Actor, Director, Writer, Ceo & Founder of Aenigma Est Productions Ltd

Some pictures from our workshop:

[fbalbum url=”https://www.facebook.com/giorgosmourelatos/media_set?set=a.10203430106369792.1126520768&type=3″]